Wednesday, October 18, 2006


They spoke enough for long and hard about all sorts of things the good the bad the super evil, I heard understood accepted blindly n followed. I believed in them till my mind started questioning asking pondering and contemplating. It asked questions as a living entity posing bouncers of its own shaking the supposed firm foundations of beliefs already deep rooted and the unquestioned.

I was then called a weirdo a non-believer and an athesist. I again agreed with all they said but this time i questioned the motive and the consequences. For this I was again called a materialistic person with selfish motives and with satan in me. I still persued in my quest of questioning. Il learnt to take the closed doors as well as the hard bumps. After all noone said the jouney would be a smooth one. And then i started questioning my own idealls and beliefs whether I was right or wrong? whether my virtues were truely worth preserving or not? I could not comprehend the idea of tasking the vast knowledge of logic against the barrier based on faith and moral principles. I could not find my answers.

And all this while they kept accusing me of breaking my faith of being put in penury and beyond hell for my misdeeds. I didn't care though. I wanted to satisfy my curiosity more than anything else. I tried to adher to my own said principles and values. But the entity againg questioned the basis of these value systems and thier origins. I found that i could not challenge them. They originated to long before time. I could face this upheavel task of changing them. All this time i was being branded as a hypocrite for strying away from the path i had been sworn not to stry and trying to be lead back there. THey held me via the noose and strectehed me too far.

And finally it happened.. THe rope had been stretched too far the string broke free. Iwas free. I had found freedom in from their antiquated values and thoughts. I could think now. My mind didn't search answers anymore. Infact I didn't need it anymore. I had achieved the power of accepting things. Sermons, values, ideals didn't hold me anymore. Even my ideals had changed, they were more realistic and approachable now. THough abstract my though line went i stilll didnt care. I had achieved nirvana, I had won the batle over myslef or i believed.....

But my thoughts still rankled with unanswered questions, They buzzed in my head searching unfindable answers. While the world continued to bombard me with names and titles though i cared less now. Yet among the "they" entered those who had known me and loved me. THey asked my to change back into something i hd long since surpassed to be. They termed my a hypocrite for letting og of my own morals. I wondered if they really had meant it or were they the real hypocrites who couldn't accpet me the way i could be...

I still am seeking the answers and wandering in search of it and yet the thirst has gone leaving me just another soul groping fo answers in the dark or probably light.

never mind i like it this way [:P]

1 comment:

Unknown said... never is the circumstance that changes the person, its he eternal conflict between the perso nand circumstances. so its not "they" who triggered the idea..twas bound to be germed. as long as u like the conflict...rock on :D