Death at her Hands
1 pair of windows,
A door of passions
2 hearts of love,
20 downing street
And you were born
2 pairs of hands and feet
Bobbing mahogany dark heads
Long inimitable hours of wait
Incomparable periods of morning sickness
And dreams were born
A new renovated house
Crowded groaning celebrations
Squealing tiny carriages
And moments of utter desperation
A family was born
Moments of Irrefutable hope
Followed by hours of Plunging despair
The small uttering of a powerful word
Followed by decades of happy bliss
Treasures were nurtured.
Small dreams Small Hopes
Concrete words and powerful gestures
The first fall, initial moments of malady
A flash of helplessness and the surrender to ecstasy
We were re-born.
Initial symptoms that tricked
Pain that turned into unchanging agony
Bliss that flipped to fear then paranoia
Worry etched in our lives
We still lived
Dreams turned to despair
Emptiness that took control
A dark looming future
That was changing our lives
And yet we clung on.
The hours of interminable hospital waits
The sickly pungent repelling odor
The monotone of white-washed walls
The pearly white bed with beeps
It was now life
Hours turned to weeks to months
Despair ever nurtured now family
Hope the elusive lantern at the tunnel-end
We waited, we hoped, we prayed.
Past never ceases present haunts
And the mist ahead serves to frighten
And yet a hollow world we aphorized
Filled with misery and pain
An unceasing wait to regain life
To Faint and yet live.
Life is but a series of pathways now
Its meaning lost in the labyrinth of mazes
A moving train to a nameless journey
A death more anticipated
We will be born again….
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